What’s Up Wednesday

written by

Aila Holley

posted on

May 3, 2023

What’s up Wednesday!

Tonight is the last night both flocks of hens will be in the hoophouses.  Tomorrow at bedtime, for the hens not the farmers, we will move them into the WinniEggos for the summer.  This is a big family project.  We all go out.  Usually Farmhand 4 counts the birds so we have an accurate number, but he told me the other night that he wants to be a bird catcher this year.  We try to track everything though the year, but the moving into and out of the WinniEggo is always a good time do refresh the ‘inventory.’   

The hens will then spend 3 nights and 2 days in the camper.  This allows them to eat, lay an egg or two and really get acclimated to it being their home.  Starting on Sunday we will let them out on pasture and at sunset we’ll be out with them to encourage them all to go IN the WinniEggo for the night.  We want them inside for a few reasons, one it allows us to move them along the pasture with them all safely tucked in for the night.  Joel Salatin (one of the godfathers of the mobile chicken coops) clams if you move the coop without the hens in it, they won’t be able to find their way back to it that night.  I have not tested this and don’t plan to :). Second it allows them to roost together safe from wind, rain, snow and predators.  If all goes well, next Wednesday, after 3 nights of being with them at sunset they will all be trained to go in on their own and I’ll be writing next weeks What’s Up!

We are well stocked on eggs right now.  I ran into a childhood friend last weekend, who said to me “I keep meaning to order eggs, but forget when I’m at my computer.”  Somehow I missed sharing with her our Grab & Go options.  If you are used to ordering on-line, please don’t feel like you need to order and wait for packing if you need eggs right away.  Now that the temps are better the eggs are available in the Grab & Go fridge on the porch ALL the time.  Have extra kids over for breakfast?  Just swing by and grab some.  Need to make an omelette or cookies at 2am?  Come on by!  We want to make it convenient to get the highest quality eggs when YOU need them. There’s a cash jar on the yellow fridge, don’t feel funny about making change in it either.  We also have QR codes on the freezer for PayPal or Venmo.  Short a few $ when you pickup?  Catch us next time.  We don’t want you to skip your eggs from here just because you don’t have the right cash.

Of course you can always order here and we’ll pack them up for you.   Also please know if you ever need things sooner then the next pickup date, just call or shoot me a text 970-531-1778 and we’ll do our very best to get the order packed right up.

That’s your first Wednesday What’s Up from the farm!


What’s Up Wednesday


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Super Egg

The other day I talked about liver being a super food and most likely the greatest super food. See that post here But let's face it, most of us don’t want to sit down to 3 meals a day with our purplish-capped friend. Dinner with superheroes can be daunting.  I think most of us feel more comfortable sitting down to a meal with a more repeatable hero. One who’s comfortable in or out of their shell. One we are used to spending any time of the day with. Enter the dependable Super Egg.  In many cases, we’ve seen the egg as an ordinary part of our everyday life. We forget all the amazing superpowers this unassuming little ovum brings to our table.  1. Rich Source of High-Quality Protein • Eggs provide all nine essential amino acids, making them a complete protein. This helps with muscle repair, growth, and overall body maintenance. 2. Packed with Essential Vitamins • Vitamin B12: Supports brain health and red blood cell production. • Vitamin D: Helps with calcium absorption, promoting bone health. • Vitamin A: Important for vision, immune function, and skin health. • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Supports energy metabolism. 3. Good Source of Minerals • Iron: Vital for oxygen transport in the blood. • Phosphorus: Supports bone and teeth health. • Selenium: Acts as an antioxidant and supports immune function. 4. Heart Health • Choline: Eggs are one of the best dietary sources of choline, a nutrient critical for brain function, nerve signaling, and cardiovascular health. • Healthy Fats: Eggs contain saturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health.  Eggs were once vilified because of the saturated fat and dietary cholesterol but we now know these are not a health concern for most people in health amounts from whole food. 5. Supports Eye Health • Lutein and Zeaxanthin: Antioxidants in eggs that help protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. 6. Promotes Weight Management • Eggs are low in calories and high in protein, which helps with satiety and reduces overall calorie intake, making them a good choice for weight management. Easy to set serving size at roughly 70 calories an egg 7. Brain Health • The combination of choline, healthy fats, and vitamins in eggs supports brain development and function. 8. Boosts Immune System • Nutrients like selenium and vitamin D in eggs enhance the immune system’s ability to fight infections. 9. Skin, Hair, and Nail Health • The protein, vitamins, and minerals in eggs contribute to healthy skin, strong nails, and shiny hair. 10. Affordable, Versatile, and Accessible  • Eggs are cost-effective and can be prepared in various ways, making them accessible to most diets. They are easy to find. I’m now seeing hard-boiled eggs available in most gas stations. Talk about convenience when you need a helpful snack.Now it’s important to note that most of these nutrients are packed in the egg yoke, so to get these benefits you must eat the whole egg.  No more yucky egg white omelettes 😝 So several nutritional overlaps with the liver. But I’ve never baked a cake with liver. I don’t take deviled liver to every potluck and receive rave reviews. Eggs are truly your friendly, socially welcome superfood. One that you can invite to 3 meals a day! I’m going to beat this egg thing ‘til it cracks, so tomorrow I’ll talk about the addition benefits of pasture raised eggs.Have a wonderful day!Aila