No Peel Egg Salad

April 2, 2023 • 0 comments

No Peel Egg Salad
Super easy egg salad! I love having quick easy protein prepped for Asa, the Farmhands and Worker People to grab anytime during the day. We always eat dinner together, but breakfast, lunch and snacks are really every man, women and child for themselves. Things like taco meat, egg, chicken, tuna salad and hard boiled eggs can often be found in our fridge ready to add to salad green or a piece of toast for a meal. I do find I often procrastinate making egg salad since boiling and peeling enough eggs for a batch tends to be time consuming and leave my thumbs all tore up. I usually make in batches of 3-4 dozen eggs. I saw this “no peel” method somewhere and finally gave it a try. Let me tell you it’s a game changer, especially for large batches of egg salad, so unless I’m trying to use up a bunch of Easter eggs this is how I’ll be making it. The qu
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 6


  • (1 Dozen) Pasture Raised Eggs-Large
  • (1/2 cup) Duck Egg Mayonnaise or Mayonnaise of your choice
  • (1 Tablespoon) Mustard
  • (2 Tablespoons) Diced Pickel
  • (2 Tablespoons) Diced onion
  • (1/4 Cup) Diced Celery
  • (1 Tablespoon) Red Wine Vinegar
  • (To taste) Salt and Pepper
  • (1/2 teaspoon) Paprika



Preheat oven to 350 

Crack eggs into an oven safe pan.  I used a parchment line sheet pan.  I left the yokes whole 

Bake for 20 minutes until both the whites and yokes are firm

Cool in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or until ready to mix

Cut the sheet of eggs into small pieces.  I used a pizza cutter 

Mix in veggies, mayo, mustard, vinegar and spices 

Eat right away or refrigerate until ready to serve.

Scale recipe to your needs.

March 24, 2025 • 0 comments